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Are you ready to take charge of your stress and busy schedule by learning how to meditate? In the modern world, more and more souls are finding that their spare time is being consumed with never-ending bills, work, and responsibilities. As a result, they feel stressed but don’t have enough time to relieve or manage that stress in a healthy way. In fact, a 2019 Gallup poll found that over 50% of adults feel stressed during the day! This statistic is shocking, and should cause you to ask the following question: What can I do to manage my stress?
Stress can easily overtake your life and leave you feeling like you have no control over your life. When you feel like you’re drowning in stress, the only way that you can combat this is by prioritizing your health. One of the best ways to prioritize your health is by meditating daily. Meditation has several positive benefits on your physical, mental and spiritual health, one of which is stress relief. In fact, meditation is one of the most effective ways to relieve and manage stress. Unfortunately, many souls believe they’re too busy to meditate, causing them to forgo meditation, its numerous benefits, and stress-relieving abilities. So, how can you meditate when you’re strapped for time?
Prioritizing your meditation is key to finding a way to fit meditation into your busy schedule. Though this may sound impossible for a hardworking, busy souls, it really is not. In fact, the idea that meditation requires a lot of time is a false myth. In contrast, meditation can take as little as 5 minutes a day. More so, you can meditate while doing everyday tasks like walking to work, waiting in line, or doing the dishes. Incorporating meditation into your life in this way will allow you to experience both the benefits of meditation without taking up too much of your valuable time.
Very few souls know about these time-sensitive meditation tips, which is why we have created this detailed and informative guidebook for meditation for souls people. With this guidebook, you will gain key insights on meditation, learn about the health benefits of meditation, and learn how to incorporate meditation into your busy schedule.
When we speak about self-reflection within the Synchronized Souls Community, we’re talking about using it as a tool. As an opportunity to analyze your achievements, your skills, your flaws, your fears, your needs, your wants, your aspirations, your soul’s purpose, what motivates you, and your thoughts. It's an advanced form of mental gymnastics that comes with a thorough analytical tool. Self-reflection is a way to find yourself. It can be used as a catalyst to make a major change in your life, propel you to take vital inspired actions that are necessary for your soul’s growth and development, and assist with your organization and planning skills. It can also be used to help to calm you down, help you feel confident, identify your goal, and aid you to attain your soul’s motivation.
Self-reflection propels you to ask yourself a series of questions that help you discover who you are and what you want to do. It can also lead to you asking yourself more meaningful and profound questions to get a better understanding of who you really are.
The intention of this eBook is to give you an understanding of how significant self-reflection is. Thus, allowing you to fine-tune the insight into accepting the tangible advantages of selfreflection, in addition to the intricacies. It connects you with ways to reflect properly and guides you on how to let go of the past to focus on the present.
Did you know that about 81% of all 30 million small business owners in America are solopreneurs? This means that they have no paid employees working for them. In the Synchronized Souls Community, we consider ourselves Creatives, Soulpreneurs or a Soulful Entrepreneurs, which means that we believe in living out our soul's purpose. It means that we are following a “career path” that perfectly synchronizes with and portrays our passion and soul's purpose in life. This means honouring both Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, acknowledging our Shadow and our Light, all of our Soul.
Although soulpreneurs usually have the drive and the passion to want to help, they haven't always created the foundations needed to ensure that they succeed. Add in the fact that most soulpreneurs work from home on their own trying to gain to motivation to take action. With great freedom comes great responsibility. Are you longing to become a Soulpreneurs? Are you ready to make money using your talents and passions? Are you wanting to feel the sense of freedom that comes with owning your own business? If so, then keep reading to learn more.
Most aspiring Soulpreneurs want to be their own boss, share their passions with the world and grow, not only their heart-centered businesses but also their souls. If you fall under this rare category of souls, I'm sure you're wondering - how do I get started? If you want to become a soulpreneur, it is essential that you do not dive in without knowing what you are getting into. You should never attempt to start a business without a solid foundation and a plan for abundance. Otherwise, you will end up in a different category, the category of souls whose heart-centred bsuiness fails within the first year? It's important to note that if 50% fail, then 50% succeed. The ones that do are the ones who spent time researching the market, narrowing down their niche, choosing who their ideal souls client in, and planning for abundance. They are the souls who put in consistent inspired action and effort to ensure that their succeed. Every souls has to start somewhere, it starts with the choices you make today.
This is why we put together an informative step by step eBook Guidebook for you. This guide is the only guide you will need to start or create structure in your soulpreneurship journey. If you're ready to invest in your own growth and in your soul's purpose while you make money, then this is the guidebook for you. If you're ready to learn how to start or grow your heart-centered business with ease and structure, then this is the guidebook for you. If you're ready to work smarter, not harder, then this is the guidebook for you.
We live in a 3D World, which makes it difficult to manifest what we want. It is easy to believe there aren’t enough resources for every soul to be successful. So much so, some souls will try and make you believe that the only way to get access to a better quality of life is through advanced education or a college degree, but that is not the key to creating an abundant life. What you need is to switch your mindset.
Any soul has the opportunity to capitalize on the abundance that surrounds them, and quickly realize that any intention is attainable. The switch happens when you change your way of thinking to become more open to receiving. Acquiring an abundance mindset will allow you to see and access all the wealth that is available to you. Souls who are stuck in a cycle of scarcity often adopt behaviours that keep them in this vicious circle. Being aware of those destructive behaviours can be helpful in accessing abundance. It is also important to understand what new behaviours you can adopt to attract more abundance.
Changing our mindset can be one of the techniques used to have a big impact on our life. One of the most interesting findings comes from research done at Harvard University. The study looked at the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of souls when they had a scarcity mindset versus when they had an abundance mindset. The results revealed that the difference between having a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset can be as much as 10 to 14 IQ points. We can conclude from that research that having an abundance mindset will increase your intelligence and enable you to make better decisions while finding solutions to your problems. So with all of that being said, How Do You Develop an Abundance Mindset?
Living an abundant life is available to all souls on this Earth and it all depends on the mindset. You will find an abundant, happy and fulfilling life once you are fully aware of your thoughts and your ability to change your thinking process. Know that any soul can successfully access an abundance mindset and achieve whatever they deeply want and believe they deserve. That’s why we’ve created a detailed and informative guide that will give you guidance on how YOU can develop and foster the abundance mindset you need to live a fulfilling life.
According to a four-year survey by Asana, 82% of respondents say that they have been overworked. As a result, burnout has increased and staff morale has decreased With this in mind, it is no shock that employees are taking on an extreme workload, all while refusing to say no to their boss.
This mentality of refusing to say no extends well beyond the workplace. Many people feel overwhelmed by their desire to people-please in all facets of their lives. You may feel the desire to people-please with your family, friends, and other souls who happen to cross your path. Though wanting to please people is not inherently bad, people-pleasing has numerous negative effects on the people-pleaser. For example, it sets unrealistic standards, puts self-care on the back burner, decreases self-esteem, and increases stress and anxiety. All around, this overwhelming sense to people-please is dangerous to your health and others around you.
The only best way to beat people-pleasing tendencies is to have intense self-discipline, self-respect, and knowledge of your inner voice. Though these items may sound easy on paper, they are extremely difficult to implement, especially for the people-pleaser. Even for those who were not people-pleasers by nature, having the discipline, respect, and knowledge to say no to people can be extremely uncomfortable and awkward. So, it is imperative to set strict guidelines for yourself and others so that you know how to navigate these awkward situations.
The best guide is by creating healthy boundaries. Boundaries are like invisible fences that you use to separate your feelings, needs, and wants from other people’s feelings, needs, and wants. The benefit of setting boundaries is that you will be able to take back your life, increase your self-esteem, and build healthier relationships with those around you.
Unfortunately, many people have no clue how to begin setting healthy boundaries. There are many misconceptions and misinformation about boundary setting, which makes it difficult to know how to begin if you've never done it before. To create and enforce effective and healthy boundaries, it is imperative to have the tools and skills for boundary setting. Like any other task, boundary setting takes practice and knowledge. That's why this eBook was created, to make this process as easy and supported as possible.
Do you find that you beat yourself up a lot? That you are scared when walking into an unknown place? That the same situations keep occurring over, and over, and over, and over again? You are not alone.
The problem is that souls usually do not tackle the root of the issue. They do not know that their problems stem from a lack of self-love, which we call soul-love in this community. There are record-high numbers of souls who are unhappy, depressed, and without purpose in their lives. They mistakenly blame their external circumstances inside of their internal environment. There are lots of self-development courses online that can help you to make more money or increase productivity. But they won’t improve your quality of life in any meaningful way unless you learn the art of soul-love. Having a high level of self-esteem and self-confidence is the foundation in building a happy life. According to the World Health Organization, more people die every year from suicide than war or homicide. This shows that one of the biggest battles we all face is on the inside.
Do you ever feel -
If so, then what we are about to introduce to you can help. If you want to increase your understanding and awareness of soul-love, soul-respect, soul-confidence, and soul-appreciation, then the Soul-Love Guidebook is for you. The fact is that nothing matters more than soul-love. If you do not learn to integrate yourself completely and love yourself fully, then you are no more than a walking shadow of yourself. Everything you do will be at a fraction of your full potential. If you make the leap and purchase this amazing Soul-Love Guidebook, you will not regret it. The results will be transformative.
Money is part of our everyday lives. It is not the most important thing, but it is as basic a need as health or relationships. Yet, we have such a love/hate relationship with something so vital to our wellbeing. We say and think the cliches below without any second thought:
Synchronized Souls Inc. created this 15-page workbook to help you discover your money fears, money beliefs, and money stories. Every soul has a relationship with money. This workbook will help you be more aware to discover how you’ve been operating and attracting money in your life. Thus giving you the knowledge you need to take action. This workbook includes five exercises to explore, investigate, and re-program your money beliefs, which include six journal prompts. As a bonus, Synchronized Souls Inc. included a list of positive money affirmations to help shift your perspective from lack to abundance.
We are a society that is obsessed with love. It is part of our everyday lives and conversations. We want to find it, we want to feel it, and we want to keep it once we have it. As we move through life, we create and absorb several different relationships beliefs, which are defined as judgments that hold all aspects of an intimate relationship. Although not all relationship beliefs are limiting; the limiting relationship beliefs that you have held onto can keep you from getting what you want.
If this sounds like you, then Synchronized Souls Inc. created this 31-page workbook for you. To help you discover your relationship fears, relationship beliefs, and relationship stories. Everyone has a connection with love. This workbook will help you be more aware to discover how you’ve been loving your ex-partners and how to attract your dream partner. Thus giving you the knowledge you need to take action. This workbook includes seven exercises to explore, investigate and re-program your relationship beliefs, which include eight journal prompts, two Expanding your Conscious sections that outline the eight types of love, and four habits to embody to attract your dream partner. As a bonus, Synchronized Souls Inc., also included a list of positive relationship affirmations to help shift your perspective from unhealthy to healthy.
After several requests from The Collective, we have created “Shadow Self Workbook: Acknowledging and Accepting your Shadow” to illuminate your Shadow Self to help you integrate your shadow and light. Synchronized Souls Inc. created this workbook with the intention to encourage deep understanding and healing.
Shadow Work is one of the many keys needed to find our Higher Self, which helps us understand ourselves better, find our soul’s purpose, and strengthen our relationship with our Soul. The process of Shadow Work is the process of deconditioning, unlearning, unbecoming everything we were taught, conditioned, projected to believe, see, feel and understand in one way or another.
Shadow Work is something that is constantly happening whether we are aware of it or not. Our entire life our conscious mind is filtering and filing traits and aspects of ourselves into our unconscious mind. However, when we are unaware of this process, we run the risk of our shadow growing and taking over our lives and personalities. Whatever we reject, resist, suppress, deny, ignore, neglect and keep hidden, feeds the shadow.
Our shadow consists of everything we’re ashamed of, all our secrets, all our unfulfilled desires, everything that frightens us, everything that we can’t stand, everything that makes us angry, jealous, envious, obsessed, everything that we find disgusting, unacceptable, uncomfortable, everything that we don’t want to talk about, everything we avoid, everything we want to keep away from ourselves, feeds our shadow.
For this reason, a long of soul’s journey we must decide when we are ready to illuminate our shadow to reliquench its control. If you, like all of us, want a better and more pleasant life for yourself, more joy and less suffering, better relationships with yourself and others, while being synchronized with your soul’s path and purpose, then this is the workbook for you. By purchasing this workbook, you will receive:
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